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Writer's pictureLauren Unzen

Malaysia: George Town & Kuala Lumpur

My final two stops in Malaysia were to George Town and the capital, Kuala Lumpur. I really enjoyed exploring both cities and met some awesome people. It was the people I met in George Town who really made my time there all the more better.

Getting from the Cameron Highlands to George Town was really easy, I was able to get a bus directly there. Once there, the bus station my bus dropped me off at was far from my hostel so I looked to get a Bolt, like Uber. While looking I randomly started talking to two girls who were also looking for a ride and found out they were going to the same hostel so we all shared the one car there. Once to my hostel I was able to check in and then I hung out at the hostel the rest of the afternoon, working on travel planning and organization. That evening while hanging out in the common area of the hostel a group came into the room I was in and invited me to join in the game night they were having. I joined and it was a fun evening hanging out with the group and playing random games. On my first full day in George Town I spent the day wandering around and exploring different areas. After walking around for a while I got a late lunch/early dinner and after my meal while packing up to leave I heard a loud crash. On my way out I went to see what had caused the crash and saw that a city bus had hit the open door of a car and pushed the open door all the way to the front of the car. It was quite a scene with a lot of people watching. After seeing that, I headed back to my hostel and I hung out with people there for the rest of the day. The next day was a slow relaxing day spent hanging out with others at the hostel. I did have to go out during the day in search of ear drops because I messed up my ear going down the mountain from the Cameron Highlands. It was a lot of fun just hanging out with people from my hostel, specifically a few from my room. I really lucked out at that hostel; I had great roommates the whole time I was there.

On my third full day in the city, I had a slow morning and then went out to explore new areas. There were a lot of really cool areas, from a rainbow umbrella street to a lot of cool street art all over. After finally overheating, due to the extreme heat wave hitting SE Asia, I headed back to my hostel to cool down. That evening for dinner my hostel held an event where we were able to try a bunch of different local foods. It was a great event and I was able to meet more people from my hostel. After the dinner my three roommates and I went out for a drink and hung out the rest of the evening. It was a fun evening out with some great roommates. The next morning I slept in before spending the rest of the day chilling again at the hostel with others. Because of the extreme heat wave we were all trying to find areas to stay cool. Every day the temperatures were feeling in the low 100’s with high humidity; it was killer and a lot of the air cons in the hostel were breaking so at times it made finding a cool spot difficult. That evening the hostel was holding a trivia night which I went to and it was a lot of fun. Afterwards the two remaining roommates and I went out again for a little while. The next morning I slept in before I headed out to book a bus to Kuala Lumpur for later that day. Since there were a lot of buses going to Kuala Lumpur daily, I waited until the day of to book a bus ticket. After booking a bus I headed back to my hostel to book a hostel for that night and then got my bags to leave.

I arrived in Kuala Lumpur in the evening so I headed straight to my hostel and checked in and then went out in search of dinner. Since I ended up extending my time in George Town, I only had one full day to explore Kuala Lumpur, which ended up being enough time. On my one full day I started the morning by walking to the train station and taking the train out to the Batu Caves, which are on the outer edge of the city. The Batu Caves are super well known caves that have colorful steps leading up to them. Immediately after leaving the train station you can start to see the different colorful temples and statues. After entering the large temple area there were a lot of monkeys everywhere. While walking around and taking photos leading up to the cave steps I walked near a monkey and it started hissing at me. I did not like that so I moved away pretty fast. Seeing the steps from the bottom was really cool and totally worth the visit. Even though there were a lot of other tourists around, it did not take away from the sight. Once I had taken a lot of pictures I decided to start making my way up the steps to the cave. It was a lot of steps, especially with the super hot sun beating down. The heat wave was still going on so it was very hot. Once at the top I explored the cave a bit before heading back down. While the view of the steps was awesome, once at the top I did not find the sights up there worth the long hike up the steps in the sweltering heat. I’m still glad I went up though.

After getting back from the Batu Caves, I wandered around Kuala Lumpur more to see some of the other sights. That night I walked to the Patronas Towers, famous buildings connected with a sky walk, to see them all lit up at night. It was a really pretty view, however everyone and their mother was there so it was a very crowded space filled with people trying to see the Towers. After getting my fill of being pushed aside by people, I decided to head back towards my hostel, stopping for dinner on the way. The next day, since my flight wasn’t until the evening, I had a lot of time to explore. After walking around exploring for a while, I went to McDonalds since it was air conditioned and had Wi-Fi, for lunch and to call my mom for Mother’s Day. My plan after lunch and talking to my mom was to walk all the way over to the Patronas Towers again and see them during the day, however, by the time I went outside again it was pouring rain. I instead decided to head back to my hostel and hung out there for a bit until it was finally time to head to the airport.

While it felt like I didn’t do a ton in either George Town or Kuala Lampur, I really enjoyed the time I spent in both cities. I had such a fun time in George Town and most of that is due to the people I met. There were a lot of nice people there when I visited and it was fun meeting them and hanging out with a bunch of them, especially the three roommates I had. After an awesome time in George Town, ending in Kuala Lumpur was a very brief but fun visit. Even though the weather changed some of my plans I still had a fun time and my time in Malaysia came to a quick ending. Overall, Malaysia wasn’t a top favorite country I’ve been to, but I stayed at multiple great hostels and was able to meet a lot of amazing travelers who really made my time in Malaysia all the more better.

“Live with no excuses. Travel with no regrets.”

- Unknown

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