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Writer's pictureLauren Unzen

365 Days of Long Term Solo Travel

On August 15th 2022 I left with a one way ticket to Italy and plans to travel the world. One year later I am still traveling the world. This past year has been better than I could have ever imagined. In the last year I have grown so much as a person and as a traveler. I have had amazing experiences that I could only have dreamt about. I have also dealt with some unexpected and challenging experiences and events, but no matter what life throws at me, for me, travel makes it all worth it. Over the past year I have met some amazing people and made friends for life; being able to share experiences and stories with other backpackers is priceless.

In the last year I have visited: Italy, The Vatican, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. I’ve not only visited a lot of countries this past year, but I’ve been able to explore most of these countries in depth as I have learned about the different cultures, cuisines, history, and geography. After constantly packing up, moving and experiencing new cultures, I have found that I adapt to new places quickly and don’t notice culture shocks often as it has become a normal part of my life. As I reflect on my travels so far, I realize how comfortable I have gotten with being uncomfortable and how much I have come to enjoy pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. It has been an amazing experience reflecting on the first year of my trip and seeing just how much I have grown. At the beginning of my travels I would plan where I was going a week or more before leaving and now I will show up at bus stations with an idea of where I want to go but not actually knowing if I’ll go to a particular city or if I’ll chose another city on the fly and I will book accommodations on my way to a city or I will simply show up at an accommodation and ask if they have space. Traveling and being spontaneous with where I go has given me the ultimate feeling of freedom and flexibility; it is an amazing feeling. However, I have found that this has backfired on me at times and having too much freedom and possibilities has occasionally left me feeling indecisive. I recall that at one point this past year I was on a bus not knowing where I was going to end up at the end of the day since I had so many options, but it all worked out in the end.

One thing I am constantly reminded of while traveling solo is that people are inherently good. When looking at the media there is always a story about something bad happening somewhere in the world and seeing those stories makes it easy to focus on all the bad that there is in the world. However, the more I travel the more I see just how good most people are. Whenever things have gone wrong or I have needed help there has always been someone willing to help. Even in my lowest moments, there has always been someone who I had never met before willingly wanting to help me and it shows how intrinsically good people are. I have also loved the hospitality I have experienced in so many countries, especially when going off the main tourist track and staying in home-stays/guesthouses; experiencing the different local hospitality has been rewarding and fun. I have also loved being able to meet other travelers and being able to so quickly form friendships. So often when meeting other travelers I have gotten into deep conversations without anyone even knowing each other's name. It has been such a special experience.

"Solo travel not only pushes you out of your comfort zone, it also pushes you out of the zone of others’ expectations."

- Suzy Strutner

Over the past year another thing I have learned is just how reliant I am on my phone, especially as a solo traveler. At the end of January I broke my phone screen in Thailand and when trying to figure out where to fix it and what to do if it couldn’t immediately be fixed, I realized how important my phone is to me. Luckily when that happened I was with my mom so I knew that while I wanted it fixed ASAP I had another phone to rely on and timing wasn’t as much of an issue. More recently, while in Latvia a few days ago, my phone stopped charging and connecting to earbuds. Originally I thought it would be a quick fix and a minor inconvenience to have it repaired, however, when I searched I discovered that while there aren’t Apple stores in many countries, there thankfully are Apple authorized resellers that accept and honor AppleCare. When I went in to the store I discovered it was not a quick fix; I needed a whole new phone. Unfortunately, as I discovered in Latvia, to get a new phone under warranty, the store has to ship Apple my broken phone and a new phone will then be shipped to the store. When my phone broke in Latvia I was told it would probably be a week before a new phone would arrive. Fortunately I was given a loaner phone and they felt bad for my predicament and were able to pull strings and somehow they got my new phone in by the next evening. I learned how much I rely on my phone; not only is it my phone, but it is also my camera, maps, clock, book, language translator, and so much more. I am glad it worked out well and was replaced quickly, but it was very stressful and is a clear example of just how reliant I have become on not only technology in general but also my phone; it is my life.

At the end of May I left Asia to go back to Europe. Ending my time traveling around Asia was very bittersweet. While I was excited for all of the new countries I had yet to visit and that I would soon meet up with my brother and my dad, I was also sad to be ending such a huge part of my trip. It made me feel that much closer to the end of my travels. For over six years I had been dreaming about, wanting to, and planning on backpacking Southeast Asia and while I was proud of myself for accomplishing my dreams, I was also sad that something I worked so hard to achieve for years was over. Over the seven months I spent in Asia I met so many amazing people and I was able to explore places I had only dreamt of. The time I spent in Asia went by far too fast; it wasn’t enough time, as after having been there I know that there are so many places I still want to see and go back to. While backpacking around Southeast Asia I met many other long term backpackers with whom it was so fun and amazing to be able to share travel stories, recommendations, and more. There is a special camaraderie that you share with other travelers, especially those who are on longer trips and who are backpacking, especially in Asia. No words will ever be enough to describe how much I loved my time in Asia; it truly was a life changing experience for me. I am constantly reflecting and reminiscing on my adventures there. I grew so much as a person and as a traveler and for that I will always be grateful. Southeast Asia will always hold a special place in my heart.

The last year has truly been the best year of my life, filled with so many days and experiences where I can’t help but say I truly love my life. I went into my travels hoping and assuming it would be better than I could imagine but it has managed to surpass any and all of my expectations. The more places I visit, the longer my list of countries and places I want to visit grows along with my list of places that I want to re-visit and explore further. Through all the highest highs and lowest lows I have become a stronger, more resilient, and a more confident version of myself. I can’t imagine my life had I not taken this trip.

“Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.”

- Alan Keightley

RIP to my trusty wonderful Chacos sandals that have been with me since the beginning of my trip. Days before I hit the one year mark my Chacos broke, after having worn them every single day for over a year, with the only exception being the three days when I was on the Ha Giang Loop in Vietnam. They have served me well. I am sad that they didn’t make it until the very end of my trip and I don’t know what I’ll do without them. The tan lines on my feet are strong and will be a constant reminder of how great these sandals were.

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Kimberly Mueller
Kimberly Mueller
Aug 15, 2023

What an amazing experience you have had! Wow! I'm happy for you Lauren. Many people dream about things they want to do, but you have shown that when you dream and implement your plans, great things happen. Continue to dream and live life with the passion you have this last year!


Aug 15, 2023

Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I have found your blog to be very informative and interesting. I wish you safe, happy, adventurous, and broadening experiences as you continue your life's travels. We're cheering for you!


Barbara Unzen
Barbara Unzen
Aug 15, 2023

Your year has been amazing! I've enjoyed seeing your photos and reading and hearing about your experiences. I can't wait to see what else you see and do during your remaining months of travel. FYI ... my bucket list of places I want to visit has gotten much much longer and is far more broad than it was before you left on your travels. xoxo

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